
Official Dexcalibur documentation

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When you generate/edit hooks, they can be manage from the hook dashboard (picture below). You can turn on/off a hook just by a click, copy it or definitely remove it.

Hook dashboard

Each hook can be edited from the graphical interface and saved by clicking on “save”. At the right side, you can see the message sent only by this hook. It allows you to improve your hook and to keep focus on it (even if you run simultaneously several hooks).

Hook debugging

Search engine

The search engine is a main feature, it allow you search the better function to hook or identify mechanisms. For example, you can search a method by this name or any of this properties : modifier, arguments type, return type, enclosing class, or properties of properties by chaining the filters.

Find a method

You can search calls by the properties of the caller or the calleed function, and see the smali section.

Find a call

If you find a class, you can explore fields and methods, but also the implemented interfaces and extended classes.

Find a class